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Feel Amazing In Respectful Fairfield
Inspiring and Encouraging
Learning and Development

Class Milton

Class Milton

John Milton 1608-1674

Year Group: 4

Mrs. H. Williams



Welcome to Class Milton. 

In the links there is information that you may find useful about topics and timetables.

Our main form of communication and information sharing is through 'Google Classroom'.


When your child joins Dosbarth Milton, they will be added to the Dosbarth Milton Google Classroom.

They will be able to use this in school to access activities and also from home, through a phone app tablet app or computer. 

Many classroom activities, photographs, messages to families about important events and homework are added here, so that you can be as involved in your child's learning as much as possible.

You can also message the teacher privately on the Google Classroom if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks ,

Mrs Williams

 How to use all the face emojis – and what they REALLY mean – The Sun | The  Sun

Please see a short video below from your new class teacher Mrs Williams.