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Feel Amazing In Respectful Fairfield
Inspiring and Encouraging
Learning and Development

Extra Curricular Activities

Fairfield Primary School offers an extensive range of activities taking place after school and during the lunch time break.  The school is fortunate in having a very committed staff who give of their own time to organise and run these extra curricular activities. Please note that different clubs take place during each term.

Please see below for activities being offered during the Spring Term 2023 - these will be updated at the beginning of the Summer Term



Year Group




Committee members only

3.30 – 4.15 pm

Monday Netball Club Years 4 - 6 3.30 - 4.15 pm
Tuesday Multi-Sports

Years 5 & 6 (this half term until 6th February)

Years 3 & 4 (after half term starting 20th February)

3.30 - 4.30 pm
Thursday lunchtime Creative Committee Years 3 - 6 (selected in school via application) 12.30 - 12.55 pm



Years 3 - 6 

3.30 - 4.15 pm

Friday lunchtime School Council Members only 12.30 - 12.55 pm
TBA (Wednesday or Thursday) Sgwad Cymraeg Members only 12.30 - 4.30 pm

Further activities will be available from outside providers as follows


                                  Karate                                                                  All age groups

Wednesday                                  Chess Club                                                           Year 3 - 6
Wednesday                                   Smarti's Board Game Club                               Year Reception - Year 3
Wednesday                                   Art Club                                                               Year 5 & 6
Thursday                                   Art Club                                                                Year 5 & 6
Thursday                                   Smarti's Board Game Club                                Year 3 - 6