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Role Of Governors
What is a governing body?
The governing body is a legally constituted body made up of volunteers with an interest in promoting standards in education. The governing body has a range of duties and powers, which focus on responsibility for ‘the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of education achievement’.
What does the governing body do?
The governing body has a mainly strategic role in the running of the school. The principal mechanism for doing this is the School Development Plan, drawn up by the governing body in conjunction with the Headteacher. It is monitored and reviewed regularly. Particular responsibilities include:
- target setting
- managing the school’s budget
- making sure the curriculum is balanced
- reporting results back to parents
- setting a performance management policy for all staff.
The governing body is also consulted on wider ranging issues, such as the services provided by the local authority, workforce remodelling and building schools for the future.
How does the governing body do this?
The full governing body, including the Headteacher, meets twice a term. The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, but consults with the governing body, reporting at every meeting on how the school is performing and whether it is meeting its objectives. The governing body offers support and constructive advice to the Headteacher.
Who is on the governing body?
The Governing Body consists of staff members, parent representatives and local council and community members. For a full list click here
How can I find out what the governors have discussed?
Some information is confidential. However, the public minutes of the governors’ meetings are available through the school office or can be accessed here.
How can I contact the governors?
If you have any concerns that you wish to bring to the attention of the governors, you can do one of the following:
- speak to one of the parent governors in the playground
- write to the chair of governors, and hand your letter in to the school office.