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Parental Involvement
During the school year there are plenty of opportunities for parents to come into school and meet everyone at Fairfield.
The partnership between the school and you as a parent is very important and can have a very positive impact on your child’s success as a learner. Regular contact with your child’s class teacher is essential and we provide lots of opportunities for you to meet throughout the year: parents evenings and open days as well as any other more informal meetings you may need.
You child’s teacher will always be happy to arrange a time to discuss your child’s progress and learning.
We also encourage parents to get involved in other ways, for example:
- Going with your child’s class on a trip
- Helping in the classroom as a voluntary reader
- Helping out at school fairs and other fundraising events
- Attending class assemblies and other school concerts
- Coming to PTA meetings
- Being prepared to offer any other skills or expertise you may have – coming in to tell a favourite childhood story, cooking with a small group of children, or leading an art activity using your own specialist knowledge.
Finding out what is going on and how you can get involved
Information about how you can get involved and what’s going on can be found on school and classroom notice-boards, through the newsletter, as well as here on the web site.
If you do not have a child at the school and you wish to help or support the school, please contact the Headteacher through the school office, fairfieldps@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk or 02920 709035.
Parents’ evenings
The school holds two parents’ evenings during the school year, where parents are invited to sign up for a meeting with their child’s teacher. Parents are able to look at their child’s work and discuss his or her progress.
The school and the Parents’ Forum also organise special events focusing on a wide range of different areas of your child’s education. These events will be publicised on the web site and on school noticeboards.
Parents’ Forum
The school has set up a Parents’ Forum. This is a great opportunity for all parents and carers of children at Fairfield to talk to each other, informally and in a relaxed environment, about issues that affect their children in school.
The Forum aims to produce positive actions that will benefit the pupils, staff, parents and carers. It does this by gathering shared experiences and ideas from parents and carers, and developing a constructive dialogue between the Forum and the school.
The Forum will hold meetings each term, where parents and carers can meet and talk to each other. The Forum can host special meetings looking at particular issues such as the teaching of maths, health and wellbeing, etc.
Click here for further information on the Parents Forum.
Parent Teacher Association
All parents, carers and staff are members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA has three main roles: to encourage all parents and carers to become involved in the life of the school, to support and organise social events and to fundraise for things that are not covered by the school budget, such as extra-curricular activities and the school grounds.
You can support the PTA by helping out with social events or with fundraising. When big events are being planned, the PTA will ask for volunteers to be part of a team to plan the event and help out on the day.
Click here for further information on the PTA.
Becoming a school governor
Governors work strategically with the Headteacher and staff on the school’s aims, policies, budget, pay, staff appointments and priorities. They look at how the statutory requirements of early years, primary education and the National Curriculum are being carried out, including the School Improvement Plan, which outlines the school’s activities mentioned above. Click here for more information about what governors do.
There are currently four posts on the school’s governing body for parents/carers. These are elected posts, and once elected you can remain in the post for four years.
There are also four posts for community governors and three posts for Local Education Authority governors. Three community governors are appointed by the governing body and one community governor is appointed by Penarth Town Council, being the minor authority whose area is served by the school. LEA governors are appointed by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
If you are interested in becoming a governor at Fairfield School, please contact the Chair of Governors through the school office, fairfieldps@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk or 02920 709035.