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ESDGC is Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. It is not a subject but rather a way of life incorporating values and attitudes. Our aim is to instill this attitude in all children at Fairfield, so that they contribute to the local community in Penarth and globally in a positive way.
It is taught throughout the curriculum focusing on values and attitudes over 7 interconnected themes:
- Wealth and Poverty
- Identity and Culture
- Choices and Decisions
- Health
- The Natural Environment
- Consumption and Waste
- Climate Change
At Fairfield we cover many of the above themes through the Eco-Schools Project, economic and industrial links, healthy schools initiative, recycling projects, local and worldwide charity events, Penarth Town Council, Greening Penarth group, Curriculum Cymreig, European links and the PSE framework.
This way of life is a whole school ethos and every attempt is made to integrate it across the school, through the curriculum, involving all teachers, ancillary staff, governors and links with organisations and the local community. Our aim for this approach is to involve external awards and initiatives, local schemes and opportunities within a holistic approach.