Tesco Drawing Competition
We are really pleased to let you know that Lucy Cutts, year 6, was successful in winning the Tesco Poster competition for the ‘Click and Collect’ service.
We are really pleased to let you know that Lucy Cutts, year 6, was successful in winning the Tesco Poster competition for the ‘Click and Collect’ service.
On Thursday 18th September, the first school trip of the year was taken by classes Shelley, Byron and Milton.
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Fairfield children have been taking advantage of the good weather at lunchtime.
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A fun afternoon was held at Fairfield for Sports Relief.
On Friday 14th March, classes Shelley, Byron and Milton were involved in an animation workshop run by Matt Beere from Chapter Arts Theatre.
On Thursday 13th March, classes Shelley, Byron, Milton and Masefield were involved in a Maths workshop laid on by Techniquest.
Children in class Byron visited Penarth library on Monday and met the performing poet Francesca Kay.
As St. David's Day was during half term this year Fairfield celebrated early with an Eisteddfod Day on Friday 21st February.
As part of their fairytale topic, children in Years 1 and 2 visited Penarth library in January.
Children in Years 3 & 4 experienced life in medieval times at Caerphilly Castle on Thursday 13th February.